
Showing posts from July, 2021
Hard at Work Last Sunday (4th), volunteers carried out the vital task of a litter-pick in the upper part of the wood, along the boundary with Sydenham Hill. They managed to clear enough to fill eight large rubbish sacks , a great achievement but sad that it was necessary.  (Photo - Sam Taylor) The Wednesday group worked on improving the main access path connecting the old railway alignment and Dulwich Wood. This busy section of path crosses over the bank at the edge of the railway and it had become particularly damaged during the past fifteen months. The old worn steps were replaced as was the path surface and a new handrail was installed. (Photo - Sam Taylor)  
Finding the Villas....Part 3 Fairwood Of all the villas along Sydenham Hill, Fairwood has left the best-known relic, the folly and its accompanying cascade. However , the re are other clues as to its existance. Just inside the fence along Sydenham Hill, there is a gate-post complete with ironwork, there are footings for greenhouses and, against the wall separating it from Beechgrove, there is lead flashing suggesting a hot house of some sort. There are also the remains of the main terrace and its cellars.     Remains of Fairwood.   Gate post for Fairwood's drive. Fairwood's cellar wall, in the background, a chute, perhaps for coal deliveries? Steps leading down from the terrace to the garden. The wall between Fairwood and Beechgrove. What was once a lean-to greenhouse, note remnants of a plaster coating and eyes in the brickwork for training vines.  O.S. maps show terraces in Fairwood's garden. The sudden change in level suggests this is one of them. Half way down f...