New Developments in the Wood It's been a few months since the last post and the rhythm of work in the Wood has settled down to general maintenance of paths, fences and dead hedges, along with routine surveys of the wildlife that makes its home here. However, there are two major developments which, it is expected, will bring huge benefits to the Wood and its users in the near future. Firstly, the Wildlife Trust has been successful in its bid for funding to put together a plan to reunite both Sydenham Hill and Dulwich Woods. Although, in effect, the same fragment of the Great North Wood, they have very different characteristics and management. The majority of Sydenham Hill Wood lies to the east of the old railway track alignment of the High Level line that used to bring visitors to Crystal Palace. Closed in 1954, the route has, in parts returned to nature and the longest section of this runs through the Wood to the tunnel which took it through t...