
Showing posts from July, 2024
July Update  The reconstruction of the Cox's Walk bridge is moving along. The eastern abutment has been rebuilt with blockwork and an outer skin of bricks. On the western side, the old abutment has been removed and a concrete pad laid ready for reconstruction to take place. The eastern abutment has been demolished and the concrete pad laid ready for the reconstruction of the walls. Elsewhere in the Wood, the wet spring and the protection provided by fencing have resulted in healthy regrowth of ground cover. The initial cover of grasses has now been augmented by new shrubs.  This area was fenced in about six years ago and what was once bare soil is now supporting a healthy shrub layer. There are some areas in the Wood, where brambles and ivy have been cleared and it is very pleasing to see these areas being colonised by foxgloves. Foxgloves taking advantage of the protection afforded by dead-hedging.