Volunteer work restarts in the Wood.
It's great to be able to report that after another extended pause for lockdown, volunteering will restart on Wednesday 7th April. Group size will be limited to six to start with, in accordance with government advice but hopefully, if the situation improves further, larger groups might be possible by the summer.
It can't come a moment too soon as the Wood is looking battered and scarred by the huge increase in visitor numbers which coincided with another very wet winter. This has resulted in paths becoming wider and in places, these have multiplied to form parallel paths where before there was one. The impact on the flora has been severe, for example, the patch of wild garlic near the cedar now has a trampled path through the middle of it. The path though the tennis court glade is now at least twice as wide as it was before last March.
However, spring has well and truly sprung, carpets of wood anemones are in bloom in Dulwich Wood and the bluebells are close behind. With time and effort to repair and mitigate the effects of the last year, it is hoped that the Woods will recover.
A single wood anemone bloom |
One of the few primroses in the Wood. |
A carpet of wood anemones in Dulwich Wood. |
Finally, the problem of dog waste bags hung from branches in the Wood continues to be a problem. This cartoon was seen in Private Eye and shows the problem is not confined to us.
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