Pathway Progress

Volunteers have worked hard over the last few weeks on rebuilding the path from the Folly to the old railway alignment which carries the main path through the Wood. The path reconstruction was necessary as parts of it became waterlogged and muddy, especially in winter. It has been surfaced with limestone chippings, which it is hoped will help water to drain through keeping the path from being swamped. 

At last, on Wednesday 7th September, the task was completed. 

Celebrating completion of the path. (Photo: Pennie Hedge)

The completed path (Photo: David Ward)

The day's work didn't stop at the path, as during the morning, a group of volunteers worked hard to cut back vegetation in the Glade to ensure that smaller plants like the bluebells have a chance next year. After lunch, this group joined the others working on the path reconstruction so helping to complete that job.

Clearing the Glade (Photos: Pennie Hedge)


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